During a recent episode of “The Osbournes Podcast,” a segment featuring the Osbournes discussing their MTV reality series “The Osbournes” saw the family saying that they would never want to revive the series.
When asked by Jack Osbourne whether the series, which ran from 2002 to 2005, had a “positive or negative effect on everyone’s mental health,” Kelly Osbourne said it had a “massive negative effect” on her mental health. “It made me so insecure,” she added. Ozzy Osbourne said the show served as the “best diary” for future generations of the family. However, he added that the intrusive nature of the production didn’t allow him to even “pick my nose and squeeze a zit” without the cameras filming him.
Sharon Osbourne said she felt the show was a great experience, but it was time for it to end when it did. Ozzy chimed in that the series started to get “unreal” when they were forced to go on fishing trips and engage in other activities that they didn’t normally do in real life.
Jack then remarked, “That’s why I don’t think we’ll ever do another season,” to which Ozzy replied, “It won’t happen again. Never in a million years.”
Ozzy admitted that he was hurt by the way he was portrayed on “The Osbournes,” telling Jack, “I remember you came home one day, and said, ‘Dad, let me ask you a question. Do you like people laughing at you or with you? And I said something like, ‘As long as they’re laughing, I don’t give a sh-t.’ But in all honestly, it made my head think, ‘They’re laughing at me.'”
(Photo: Ross Halfin)
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